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Darwin’s Defenders in Kansas Trying to Have Their Cake and Eat it Too

As a member of the Kansas Science Standards writing committee last year, Stephen B. Case adamantly opposed critical thinking in high school biology classes. A Darwinist, Case was furious when the Kansas State School Board decided that students should learn the evidence and scientific arguments both for and against evolutionary theory.

Intelligent design (ID) was not included in the state science standards, but Darwinists feel threatened by it anyway. Case writes:

“One thing is clear: The scientific community has not embraced the explanation of design because it is quite clear that on the basis of the evidence, it is just wrong. Beyond the clarity that design is not science, the smoke is hiding an attack on the religious faith and beliefs of many people.”

This short paragraph reveals why Case could benefit from a little critical thinking. First, he argues that scientists have tested ID against the evidence and shown it to be wrong. Without skipping a beat, he goes on to state that ID is not science — presumably because it can’t be tested against the evidence. So like many Darwinists, Case claims that ID is untestable — and it has been tested and proven wrong. Breathtaking.

(Edited) Next, Case criticizes ID (which claims that evidence points to design in some features of the natural world) for allegedly attacking the religious faith of many people. Presumably, he’s referring to the ‘religious’ faith of atheists, since most Christians, Jews, Muslims, deists, and even Hindus (among others) find intelligent design compatible with their faith. On the other hand, prominent ID critics such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett regularly appeal to Darwinism to attack the religious faith of billions of people, yet Case doesn’t appear to regard that as grounds for criticizing modern evolutionary theory.

Last month, apathetic Kansas voters allowed the Darwinists to reclaim a majority of the Kansas State School Board. So the state science standards will probably be revised next year to eliminate critical thinking. Then Kansas students can all be trained to think just like Steve Case.

Jonathan Wells

Senior Fellow, Center for Science and Culture
Jonathan Wells has received two Ph.D.s, one in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California at Berkeley, and one in Religious Studies from Yale University. A Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, he has previously worked as a postdoctoral research biologist at the University of California at Berkeley and the supervisor of a medical laboratory in Fairfield, California. He also taught biology at California State University in Hayward and continues to lecture on the subject.


