Intelligent Design
AP Texas Spins Story About Scientists Uniting Against Teaching the Controversy
The latest from the Associated Press out in Texas (via Houston Chronicle) reports that “Scientists from Texas universities on Tuesday denounced what they called supernatural and religious teaching in public school science classrooms and voiced opposition to attempts to water down evolution instruction.”
We covered the Texas science standards last week, noting that Darwinists there oppose teaching the strengths and weaknesses of evolution.
In the AP article, no explanation is given for their opposition to the “strengths and weaknesses” language except the unsupported claim that thoroughly examining Darwin’s theory in the classroom is something only creationists do.
Actually, AP reporter Kelley Shannon is pretty sure that the whole thing is a creationist ploy to teach religion in our schools. That’s why she makes a point of giving credibility to the several Darwinists in the story before calling McLeroy a creationist, then discrediting the position she assigned him:
The Texas Freedom Network, an Austin-based group that says it monitors the influence of the religious right, also praises the proposed language change.
But they say they fear State Board of Education members, led by chairman and creationist Don McLeroy, will switch the language back before the final vote.
Even at Baylor University in Waco, the world’s largest Baptist university, professors don’t teach creationism because it’s not based on science, said Richard Duhrkopf, an associate professor of biology.
Then she has McLeroy singled out as the lone voice in support of the current language and includes some special context for the reader:
“Texas students need to understand what science is and what its limitation are,” McLeroy said Tuesday, repeating part of an opinion piece he wrote in August. “I look at evolution as still a hypothesis with weaknesses.” (emphasis added)
With one little phrase, not only is McLeroy a marginalized character with a marginalized viewpoint — he’s repeating a talking point! And we all know that talking points and parts of opinion pieces aren’t arguments… oh, wait…
McLeroy has a legitimate argument, but reporters who couch support for teaching the strengths and weaknesses of evolution as mere creationism will not be satisfied with arguments. They want the narrative they’re planning on, you know, the one where lots of scientists stand up to the Crazy Creationists and Their Clever Code:
Federal courts have ruled against forcing the teaching of creationism and intelligent design. So teaching the strengths and weaknesses of theories such as evolution has become “code” for pushing religion-based ideas in schools, said Dan Quinn, spokesman for the Texas Freedom Network.
“It’s time for the State Board of Education to listen to experts instead of promoting their own personal and political agendas,” Quinn said.
And thus the story ends. No rebuttal, no other point of view, just the routine Darwinist narrative. Readers in Texas might wonder why the AP is marginalizing the common-sense view that teaching more information about evolution is better for science education.