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Following Kitzmiller v. Dover, an Excellent Decade for Intelligent Design


Tomorrow marks the tenth anniversary of opening of arguments in the Kitzmiller v. Dover case that resulted in the most absurdly hyped court decision in memory. In 2005, did an obscure Federal judge in Dover, Pennsylvania, at last settle the ultimate scientific question that has fascinated mankind for millennia?

Of course not. The decision by Judge John Jones established nothing about intelligent design — far from being the “death knell” sometimes claimed by Darwin defenders. For a definitive take, see our book Traipsing Into Evolution: Intelligent Design and the Kitzmiller v. Dover Decision. One word summary: Shrug.

In fact, the decade since Dover has been an excellent one for ID. Casey Luskin noted some highlights not long ago:

See also, “Does the Kitzmiller v. Dover Ruling Show that Intelligent Design is Academically Substandard?

With the December anniversary of Judge Jones’s decision, you’ll probably hear more from evolution enforcers about its world-shaking significance. That would be predictable. Perhaps we’ll say more later.

In 2007, David DeWolfe, John West, and Casey Luskin predicted in a law review article, “Intelligent Design Will Survive Kitzmiller v. Dover.” Ha! Nice understatement.

Image: U.S. Post Office, Dover, PA, by Smallbones (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

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