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Free Digital Book: Traipsing Into Evolution: Intelligent Design and the Kitzmiller vs. Dover Decision

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Ten years ago, an activist federal judge in Pennsylvania tried to kill intelligent design by court order. Judge John Jones declared that teaching about intelligent design was unconstitutional because ID was religion rather than science. The anniversary of the Kitzmiller v. Dover decision is this Sunday, December 20.

Contrary to what Darwinists thought would happen, it wasn’t over after Dover. Get your free digital copy of the book Traipsing Into Evolution: Intelligent Design and the Kitzmiller vs. Dover Decision and other information about the Dover trial by clicking here.

At Evolution News, Casey Luskin and Sarah Chaffee are currently discussing the case in a series on the Top 10 myths propagated by the court decision. But Traipsing Into Evolution, by David DeWolf, John West, Casey Luskin, and Jonathan Witt, is the definitive resource on the subject. Get it now.

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