Human Origins
Intelligent Design
For Undergrads, Grad Students, and Professionals — One Final Day to Apply for Summer Seminars on ID

Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture will offer our yearly Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design, July 7 to 15, in Seattle. There’s one final day left to apply. The deadline is April 4, at the close of the business day, Pacific Time.
More information, including an application, is here.
We offer this program because we know that students cannot experience a rigorous introduction to the science and significance of ID anywhere else. In the past we have also hosted a limited number of professors and professionals who likewise crave this exposure to the cutting edge of biology.

The Summer Seminars comprise two parallel tracks — the CSC Seminar on Intelligent Design in the Natural Sciences, and the C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society, respectively with a science and a humanities focus.
Our instructors are drawn from the highest level of ID research, scholarship, and writing. Our students are from around the world, and we’ve heard it reported over and over that discussions in class and after class have been profoundly meaningful for participants. Past teachers have included Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer, William Dembski, Jonathan Wells, Paul Nelson, Jay Richards, Douglas Axe, Ann Gauger, Richard Sternberg, Robert Marks, Scott Minnich, John West, Bruce Gordon, and David Klinghoffer.

The program is free of charge for accepted students — in fact we provide room, board, course materials, and, based upon need, travel scholarships.
The Seminars are selective, but the online application is not onerous to complete. That having been said, the deadline is very much upon us. We are training the next generation of ID scientists and scholars. The debate about origins is equally vital for our science and our culture. You can be a part of that, but you must act now.
Photo: Stephen Meyer, Michael Behe, Jay Richards, Wesley J. Smith, Paul Nelson, by Janine Solfelt.