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Here’s How to Make a Difference in Evolution Education


At the national book launch for Zombie Science in Seattle, author Jonathan Wells and Center for Science & Culture associate director John West faced great questions about advancing a more accurate understanding of evolution at the highest academic levels, and down below where the rest of us live. A man asked about the frontiers of scientific research bearing on intelligent design. And a woman wondered what parents and other community members can do when schools and textbooks recycle misleading “icons of evolution” like the ones documented in Jonathan’s current book, and his previous one, Icons of Evolution.

It’s a new episode of ID the Future. Listen to it here, or download it here.

Dr. Wells and Dr. West described new avenues of investigation, most interestingly about the way biological information is conveyed by “codes within codes” quite apart from DNA. Some relevant research initiatives are being funded by Discovery Institute.

Beyond rarefied professional scientific investigation, John West gave practical tips for making a positive difference in the way young people are educated. Those are things that parents of public school students can do right now, without asking permission from curriculum experts or school boards. West makes an important and empowering point. Never think that sending your kids to a public school means you are surrendering the role of parent to the government.

Schools aside, anyone with access to the Internet can contribute. Listen and find out how.

Photo: Jonathan Wells and John West at the book launch for Zombie Science, Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, by Andrew McDiarmid.