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Meet Günter Bechly

Günter Bechly

So far, our readers have only had the opportunity to meet paleontologist Günter Bechly in his writing here and in a fairly short segment from the recent documentary Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines, which you can see now online. In a new episode of ID the Future, though, Robert Crowther talks more extensively with Dr. Bechly about his work, his past thinking as an evolutionary scientist, his fundamental rethinking of the origins question, and his coming out as a proponent of intelligent design. Listen to the podcast here.

Of course, the conversation turns to the decision by Wikipedia editors to delete Bechly from the online encyclopedia after he publicly embraced ID, claiming they suddenly realized he isn’t “notable” enough. Bechly and Crowther review some of Bechly’s extremely impressive record as a scientist, putting the “notability” objection to rest. (By the way, you can see some pretty stunning photographic representations of his work here.)

As Günter points out, having a Wiki entry is, per se, something he couldn’t care less about. This isn’t about ego, obviously, but about efforts by the Wikipedia “mafia” to manipulate public opinion, requiring the erasure of a scientist who, if Darwinism is really so persuasive, shouldn’t exist. The enormous impact on what online readers understand to be true is the real issue here. We talked about this the other day in a Facebook Live discussion, showing how Amazon’s Alexa regurgitates Wikipedia on all matters relating to ID. You can’t escape from the Wiki mafia.