Intelligent Design
Great News — Extended Deadline for Summer Seminar Applications!

Editor’s update: An earlier version of this post incorrectly stated the new, extended deadline. The correct date is Thursday, April 12.
The official deadline to apply for the Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design fell yesterday — but with it came a rush of last-minute applications. Demand for this expenses-paid nine days in Seattle, July 6-14, is high. For that reason we’re extending the deadline through Thursday, April 12.
The Seminars have consistently borne great fruit. Graduate students, post-docs, even faculty are now doing research on intelligent design that will have an impact someday. Great and permanent friendships are made — even some marriages!
Connections are made with people from around the world — Denmark, Netherlands, South Africa, Nigeria, Haiti, New Zealand, Philippines, China — and that’s not a complete list. While intended primarily for upper level undergrad and grad students, we have had faculty and other professionals attend as well.
Our instructors include Stephen Meyer, Günter Bechly, Douglas Axe, Richard Sternberg, Bruce Gordon, Ann Gauger, John West, Jonathan Wells, Paul Nelson, and Brian Miller. These are the stars of the ID research community.
Find more information and the online application here. Yes, for accepted applicants, we can consider paying for travel expenses on top of the already included meals, housing, and course materials. What a deal! But when we say April 12 is the final deadline, we do mean that.
Photos: John West, Douglas Axe teach at the Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design, by Daniel Reeves.