Intelligent Design
Less than Two Weeks to Apply for the ID Action Network Meeting in Seattle!
Do you want to promote intelligent design as an activist, doctor, donor, scientist, writer, educator, student, or community leader? Apply now to attend Discovery Institute’s third ID Action Network Meeting in Seattle on October 18-19, 2019!
You’ll hear about the current state of the design debate and about new books from the leaders of the ID movement, hear about the scientific and educational projects currently in the pipeline, explore new tools to promote intelligent design, and brainstorm about what we should be doing in the future.
The cost is only $150, and you must apply by the final deadline of October 7. The registration fee includes a pre-release copy of the forthcoming book Human Nature, by David Berlinski, conference materials, a dessert reception on Friday, and a continental breakfast and buffet lunch on Saturday. The program begins with the opening dessert at 7 pm on Friday, October 18, and continues on Saturday, October 18, from 8:30 am through 5:30 pm.
Featured sessions include:
- A presentation on The State of the Debate by Center for Science & Culture Associate Director John West.
- A lecture on The Fitness of the Universe for Human Life by CSC Senior Fellow and medical geneticist Michael Denton.
- Q&A with CSC Senior Fellow David Berlinski about his new book, Human Nature (via Zoom from Paris).
- Preview screenings of upcoming video projects, including a television program on intelligent design (tentative).
- Breakout sessions for medical doctors, scientists, activists, and more.
How to Apply
This is a private meeting intended for those who want to actively contribute to the intelligent design movement. Space is extremely limited. Those who want to participate must submit an application form that briefly describes how they hope to advance intelligent design, and final selection for the meeting is at the discretion of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture.
Payment will be due upon acceptance into the program. Attendees are responsible for securing their own lodging and transportation.
To learn more or apply today, follow the link here!
Photo: Space Needle, Seattle, by Olichel via Pixabay.