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Listen: In Berkeley, California, Stephen Meyer Honors Phillip Johnson

Phillip Johnson

On a new episode of ID the Future, we hear the first of a series of podcasts in honor of the late Phillip E. Johnson, the pioneering thinker, networker, and organizer, who played such a crucial role in the development and growth of the intelligent design movement. Download the episode or listen to it here.

These messages come mostly from a November 2019 symposium held in Johnson’s honor in Berkeley, California. Today, listen to Stephen C. Meyer, director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture, as he opens the symposium and introduces speakers to come. There follows the first of these speakers: Phillip Johnson himself, in thoughts previously recorded by Illustra Media on intelligent design, philosophical materialism, and strategies for accomplishing change.

Photo: Phil Johnson reading in a beach house, Pajaro Dunes, California, June 1998, by Suzanne Nelson.