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Design in Virology? Webinars to Examine COVID-19

Image credit: Fusion Medical Animation, via Unsplash.

Editor’s note: The link for Dr. Behe’s webinar has been UPDATED.

The United Kingdom’s Centre for Intelligent Design will host a series of YouTube livestreams, beginning this Friday, July 17, featuring scientists associated with the intelligent design community. The theme is “Design in Virology?” and the livestreams will explore the biological and biochemical dimensions of COVID-19 and the implications of what we know about the virus.

The dates, guest speakers, and topics are as follows:

Each of the above events will take place at 3 pm Eastern time (8 pm in the U.K.). There will be an opportunity after each presentation to ask questions and engage in discussion. Click the hyperlinks above to access the respective YouTube livestreams. A flyer for the events can be downloaded here.