Famed Biologist Jørn Dyerberg Explains His Turn to Intelligent Design

If, like me, you’ve got a bottle of fish oil capsules in your refrigerator as a health supplement, you can thank University of Copenhagen biologist Jørn Dyerberg, who co-discovered the role of omega-3 fatty acids in promoting a healthy heart. This realization followed from his study in the 1970s of the Inuit people of Greenland. He has been hailed as a “Living Legend” by the International Union of Nutrition Scientists. And he’s a proponent of intelligent design.
On a new episode of ID the Future, Dr. Dyerberg recounts his turn toward ID, recognizing irreducible complexity in the Krebs cycle, a process shared by the cells of all aerobic life. Also called the citric acid cycle, it could not have sprung into being by unguided evolution, as Dyerberg reasoned. He explains why in a conversation with podcast host Dr. Brian Miller. Download the episode or listen to it here.
Dyerberg reached his own conclusion of design in biology before Michael Behe characterized irreducible complexity as a marker of ID in his 1996 book Darwin’s Black Box. He describes his thinking now, illustrating that you have to be beyond the Darwinists’ ability to hurt you before it makes sense for a scientist to come clean as an ID proponent.