Faith & Science
Stephen Meyer, Charlie Kirk: Return of WHAT God Hypothesis?

Stephen Meyer was on the Charlie Kirk Show to talk about Return of the God Hypothesis. Part of the argument in the book hasn’t perhaps received the attention it deserves. It’s the question not of whether nature gives evidence of a designer, active from the first moment of physical existence at the Big Bang, but rather: What kind of designer, what kind of God, must that be? A member of Kirk’s audience asks just that at the end.
The listener says he is not an atheist, but an agnostic, and evidently a searcher and not certain whether to conclude that a pantheist deity, or a deist one, or Something or Someone other than that, best fits the evidence. Meyer distinguishes between the scientific evidence, which points to a God as pictured by Christian or Jewish tradition, and what he regards as the evidence of revelation, which is a separate subject. Watch the whole conversation, which starts at 2:06.