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Meyer’s God Hypothesis — Christmas Selection from Aleo Review of Books

The Aleo Review of Books is a very interesting and eclectic publication that covers fiction and non-fiction, including science and politics. There’s no discernible agenda other than enjoying good books. They promise “Reviews shorter than books.” That’s a concept.
Well, they’ve named Stephen Meyer’s Return of the God Hypothesis as their 2022 Christmas Selection, which is well deserved, and the editor-at-large, Tristan Abbey, asked Steve some questions. I wasn’t expecting some of the answers he gives. For one, who are the authors who influenced him the most? His answer, in part:
My three favorite authors during my formative years in college were C. S. Lewis, Os Guinness and Francis Shaeffer. I also found Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, Michael Polanyi’s Personal Knowledge and Peter Lipton’s Inference to the Best Explanation formative in my thinking about scientific and religious epistemology.
His favorite novels? His answer begins:
My favorite book is the Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis which is more a piece of imaginative religious fiction than a novel per se. Rather than novels, I typically read biography and my favorite piece of biography is John Adams by David McCullough which happens to read like a novel.
Read the rest at the Aleo Review of Books and follow them on Twitter.