Intelligent Design
Debate: Casey Luskin Versus Rutgers Biologist Dan Cardinale, Thursday, May 2
Kudos to Rutgers University biology professor Dan Stern Cardinale, aka YouTuber “Creation Myths,” for agreeing to a livestream debate with Discovery Institute geologist Casey Luskin. The debate is Thursday, May 2, at 5:30 pm Pacific time. Back in March, Dr. Luskin called out Dr. Cardinale with a tough but accurate post here, “’Creation Myths’ Misquotes and Misrepresents Junk DNA Video.” Professor Cardinale wins a thumbs up not, of course, for any misquotation or misrepresentation directed at our recent Long Story Short video in the “Codes of Life” series, but for his willingness to debate in a third-party forum, “The NonSequitur Show,” also on YouTube. The question up for discussion: “Is the Human Genome Largely Junk DNA?”
Okay, this should be interesting because, I think it will be clear, Luskin has the facts on his side. Be sure to tune in here:
And see the new Long Story Short video here: