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How Roots Become Jackhammers

Photo: Rice seedling, roots, by Myrmux, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

Many of us have wondered how seedlings get into the smallest cracks in driveways and sidewalks, finding openings and then penetrating hard layers to reach sunlight. In time, the seemingly flimsy shoots can cause the asphalt or concrete to buckle! Homeowners know that without stopping this natural process in time, a driveway can become a field of weeds. It’s amazing to think that such delicate stems, without muscles, can penetrate hard surfaces that greatly exceed their own strength. 

A similar thing happens down at the tips of roots. A growing root tip may encounter a layer of hardpan that blocks its progress. It can either bend sideways or remain in place and call in its team of jackhammers. How it does that was the subject of a paper in Current Biology by 11 researchers, mostly from China, who want to know how to increase rice crops on which many people around the world depend for food. Rice farmers can try to plow the soil to loosen it up, which is very work intensive on terraced hillsides. An alternative would be to genetically modify the plant’s own built-in jackhammers to increase their ability to penetrate whatever soil they encounter.

High School Lab Work with University Finesse

Those of us who experimented with bean sprouts in high school, watching how they grow in response to light and gravity, can relate to parts of this paper. The researchers grew rice seedlings in agar dishes and photographed their progress. Like us, they also experimented with auxin, a common plant growth hormone. What we never did in high school, though, was to genetically modify hormones with green fluorescent protein or determine the specific genes involved in root growth. Only grad level research gets that heavy into experimentation. The team also determined specific proteins involved in the “jackhammer” process and grew mutant strains lacking them to compare with the wild type (WT) seedlings. Their results were simple yet profound.

For controls, they filled agar dishes with soft (1 percent) agar and hard (3 percent) agar halfway down, simulating a hardpan layer that a root tip would encounter as it grows. One intuitive finding was that a root tip approaching the hard layer has a better chance of penetrating it if it approaches it at a right angle (90°). Gravitropism generally takes care of that. A protein named “auxin influx carrier AUXIN RESISTANT 1” (OsAUX1) was implicated in keeping the root tip pointed down. They found this out by creating a mutant form osaux1-3 lacking its function.

How can OsAUX1 facilitate root penetration into harder layers? OsAUX1-mediated shootward auxin transport is required for root gravitropism and root hair elongation in response to environmental stimuli. Consistently, osaux1-3 exhibits a reduced gravitropic response, as evidenced by a bending angle of approximately 30°, in contrast to the approximately 90° exhibited by the WT (Figures S1A and S1B). The osaux1-3 mutant also displays shorter root hairs (but with a normal number of root hair) in the split system compared with the WT (Figures S1C–S1H), indicating that the elongation of root hair in response to encountering a harder layer is dependent on OsAUX1. [Emphasis added.]

Root Hairs as Anchor Bolts

Here the experiments get interesting. OsAUX1 plays two roles: keeping the root tip oriented downward and signaling for more root hairs to grow. The root hairs grow out horizontally from the root farther above the tip. Images of root tips with green fluorescent protein (GFP) show flows of auxin rising from the tip, where OsAUX1 triggers root hairs to produce more auxin. As a result, the root hairs grow longer, where they can anchor the main root in position. If you think of a jackhammer not being firmly held by an operator, it would bounce on the concrete instead of penetrating it. It needs to be anchored. Similarly, root hairs growing outward into the surrounding soil anchor the main root in position.

Root hairs are reported to aid seedling establishment through providing anchorage for emerging roots to penetrate the soil surface. Quantification of the maximum reaction force (anchorage) provided by root hairs is frequently based on the force required to extract a root. In uniform systems, the force needed to pull out a WT root was significantly greater than that required for root hair mutants across different densities of agar layers (Figure S5). Our findings support that increased root hair lengths enhance the anchorage of growing root tips to penetrate harder layers.

Root hairs are extremely thin and tiny, but enough of them spread out in all directions are sufficient to hold the main root in position for its task of penetrating the hard layer. As we learned in high school, root hairs are important for increasing the sampling area of soil for nutrient exploration. Another vital task they perform was mentioned in the paper: acquiring phosphate. As I wrote here, phosphorus is often a limiting factor for biological productivity.

The elongation of root hair results in an increased surface area of root-soil contact, generating the required anchorage force to support root penetration into compacted layers. Our previous research has also unveiled the pivotal role of OsAUX1 in facilitating root hair elongation under low phosphate conditions. This process is crucial for transporting auxin back to the differentiation zone, where root hair elongation takes place. This finding underscores the possibility that longer root hair in compacted soil may have contributed to enhanced phosphate uptake.

Accessory Proteins Essential Too

Engineering foresight took care of another problem. If the root tip grew at a constant rate when encountering the hard layer, it would likely buckle or bend. And so, as if knowing this possibility in advance, an impedance switch was built into the system. The impedance of hardpan triggers another protein, OsYUC8, to go into action switching on auxin synthesis at the root tip. OsAUX1 is then carried by transporters up to the root hairs where they also start producing more auxin, growing longer for better anchoring and nutrient exploration.

How does contact with hardpan switch this activity on? The slowdown of the root tip apparently is triggered by our friend PIEZO1 (discussed here), the touch-sensitive protein. 

The mechanistic basis of OsYUC8 upregulation after encountering mechanical impedance remains unclear (Figure 2). Mechanical stimulation induces higher expression of the mechano-inducible calcium channel PIEZO1(PZO1) in columella and lateral root cap cells in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, pzo1 seedlings exhibited reduced calcium transients and failed to penetrate hard agar, indicating the involvement of PZO1 in the root’s short-term response to mechanical detection of compacted soil layers. This calcium-signaling pathway may act upstream of auxin (and OsYUC8) in the root barrier-touching response.

As usual, additional players take part in this process, increasing the complexity of the system. There are 13 other OsYUC proteins, as well as other genes, promoters, hormones, and tissues discussed in the paper. This brief overview, however, gives a taste of what’s needed for a rice root to grow in hard soil. The plant has to switch on numerous signals, transporters and promoters to slow the root down, build up the anchors in the soil, and with added auxin growth hormone, begin a controlled penetration by the tip through the hardpan. All this for a single root facing a challenge. When it succeeds, the root can explore deeper for the nutrients it needs and be more likely to survive dryness at the surface.

Not Just Rice

The authors realize that similar processes are built into other plants. Their opening sentence says, “Compacted soil layers adversely affect rooting depth and access to deeper nutrient and water resources, thereby impacting climate resilience of crop production and global food security.” Pretty important. Knowing now what they have learned — without relying on evolutionary theory even once — they can offer hope to a needy world. Their ending sentence says, “Our results provide new insights into a key root trait for breeders to select to enable crops to be more resilient to soil stresses by exploiting variation in root hair length.” 

“For breeders to select” — that’s intelligent design.