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New Book: Stockholm Syndrome Christianity

Image source: Discovery Institute.

Today marks the official release of my book Stockholm Syndrome Christianity: Why Christian Leaders Are Failing — and What We Can Do About It. The book addresses two provocative questions: What if American culture isn’t collapsing because of crusading secularists? What if it’s failing because many leading Christians identify more with secular elites than with their fellow believers?

A key theme throughout the book is how falsehoods about science have corrupted the views of many Christians when it comes to sex, race, biblical authority, authoritarianism, and the debate over Darwinism and intelligent design (ID). The focus is broader than the Darwin-ID debate, but the book does contain a lot of material relevant to that topic. If you want to learn how evangelical leaders and institutions have suppressed the voices of those who think there is evidence of intelligent design in biology, you will definitely find my book of interest.

My book also includes what I learned from the inside as a professor at an evangelical Christian university for 12 years. If you want to understand why many Christian colleges and universities are now producing graduates with views indistinguishable from secular materialists, you should read my book.

More than an Exposé

However, my book isn’t just an exposé. It’s a gameplan for reformation. It’s designed to equip people to be agents of change. That’s why half of the book’s 12 chapters examine the root causes of the problems we face or offer practical suggestions for what we can do to promote change.

I wrote Stockholm Syndrome Christianity as an evangelical Christian, but the book should be of interest to committed Christians from other traditions as well. In fact, much of the book may interest non-Christians. Anyone concerned about current assaults on the foundations of our civilization might find it useful.

You can find out more at The website offers online assessments to diagnose whether you, your friends, your church, or your educational institution shows signs of what I call Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. It also includes discussion questions for small groups and resources for digging deeper into the topics addressed in my book.

If you are interested in being part of the solution, not part of the problem, I hope you will read my book.