Author: Ann Gauger
God’s Grandeur: Some Resources to Explore
How many people are willing to give up morality, rationality, free will, truth, beauty, and goodness as valuable concepts based on reality?
Here Is What We Mean by Intelligent Design (And What We Don’t)
Some ID supporters agree with universal common descent, but many ID supporters argue against the idea that all life shares a common ancestor.
When Catholics Argue for Intelligent Design
The evidence from science is clear, but with the discussion of philosophical questions, the necessity of a Creator becomes overwhelming.
Shall We Baptize Darwin? A Catholic Biologist Reflects
Theistic evolutionists are baptizing a theory first composed by Darwin as a substitute for the doctrine of special Creation.
Revealing God’s Grandeur — Intelligent Design, Evolution, and the Teachings of the Catholic Church
The last few chapters deal with subjects that theistic evolutionists like to use against ID: Aristotle, Aquinas, and randomness.