Author: Bruce Gordon
How Does the Intelligibility of Nature Point to Design?
Albert Einstein famously remarked that “the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility…[t]he fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.”
In the Beginning: How the Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design Got Their Start
The very first Seminar, held in July 2007, had twelve enthusiastic students and gave us a solid start.
What Should We Make of Gravity-Wave Detection?
The gravity waves detected at LIGO were produced by the collision of black holes about a billion years ago.
A Matter of Considerable Gravity: On the Purported Detection of Gravitational Waves and Cosmic Inflation
Theophobic scientific materialists must come to terms with what is, for them, a worldview-defeating fact.
The Divine Comedy: Dawkins’ Disco Inferno
Richard Dawkins has got himself in a bit of a pickle and, in an effort to wash off the brine, now appears to be in a bit of a lather. In an op-ed this morning in the L.A. Times (see here), he is at pains to distance himself from remarks he made in the newly released movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Toward the end of the film, in an interview with Ben Stein at the British Museum, Dawkins confesses he has no idea how life originated on earth — nor does anyone, he admits — but, as Nobel laureate Francis Crick once theorized, it could well be explained by having been seeded here by an alien intelligence. Of course, he Read More ›