Author: Casey Luskin
Evolution Falsified? Rope Kojonen’s Achievement
If unguided evolution can account for the eye of an eagle, does it make any sense to say that intelligent design is also needed?
West Virginia Passes Bill Protecting Teacher Rights to Answer Student Questions on “Scientific Theories”
West Virginia joins Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Indiana, and Mississippi to become the sixth state to adopt some form of an academic freedom policy.
PNAS Paper: “Scientific Censorship Appears to Be Increasing”
The intelligent design community is well aware of the problem. One section in the paper that categorizes types of persecution sounds alarmingly familiar.
Denis Noble in Nature: “Time to Admit Genes Are Not the Blueprint For Life”
In his review, Noble comes right out and says that “Classic views of evolution should also be questioned.”
Intelligently Designed Evolution? Sorry, Wrong Universe
Many in the intelligent design camp have considered the possibility that the evolutionary process was designed.