Author: David Coppedge
Intelligent Design in Unlovable Creatures
Between cells and humans, there are millions of “ugly duckling” species that are beautiful in their own way.
What’s Driving Darwin’s Driverless Car?
What drives natural selection? Evolutionary forces. What are evolutionary forces? They’re what drive natural selection.
Introducing the Unknome, Biology’s Black Box
Biology is becoming overwhelmed by new vistas of dynamic complexity. Attempts to get a handle on this complexity has ushered in the era of Omics.
Noise Cancellation: A Remarkable Design Solution in Biology
The principle behind this biological methodology can be extended to every case in biology where an organism needs to discriminate signals from self.
From Bad to Worse for Darwinism, as New Cambrian Explosion Finds Arrive
Less time and more complexity are compressed into an impossible challenge for evolution.