Author: Daniel Reeves
Sagan’s “Star Stuff” and the Suicide Pod
If life is nothing more than material or “stuff,” why not allow people to recycle themselves when they feel their useful lifespan has come to an end?
Postcard from São Paulo: Intelligent Design Sung to a New Tune in Brazil
The theme of the conference was familiar to us, but I’d like to think that we’ve heard it sung to a new tune in more ways than one.
Event Report: Design and the Designer
There were 16 different talks, ranging from the history of science and faith to more technical topics like systems biology and design triangulation.
Solar Activity Reveals a Different Kind of “Privilege”
Like you, I was blissfully unaware that our atmosphere was being bombarded, and only stumbled upon the fact a few days ago.
How to Teach Evolution in a Public School — My Experience
What did I do? Well, I introduced the course by holding a lengthy discussion about the difference between science and philosophy.