Author: Eric Hedin
Physics, Information Loss, and Intelligent Design
Imagine a system where heat flows from a hot region to a cold region under the constraint of the traditional second law of thermodynamics.
Intelligence Is Unnatural, and Why That Matters
One of the advantages we have in our study of nature is our ability to observe an entire “unpolluted” universe.
Information and Life’s Origin — A Retrospective View
Unguided natural processes, according to the generalized Second Law, cannot systematically increase the information content of a closed system over time.
Theistic Cosmology and Theistic Evolution — Understanding the Difference
Astronomers have convincingly shown that the laws of nature are sufficient to account for the formation of stars and planetary systems throughout the universe.
Design in the Beauty of Water and Light
I remember well, one particularly cold winter, seeing Snoqualmie Falls in Washington State completely frozen throughout its 268-foot drop.