Author: Günter Bechly
Fossil Friday: The Big Bang of Tertiary Birds and a Phylogenetic Mess
There was an abrupt origin, a burst of biological creativity, which is best explained by an infusion of new information from an intelligent agent.
Fossil Friday: The Vindhyan Controversy and Debunking Alleged Ediacaran and Cambrian Fossils
The fancy speculations about the evolution of multicellular life and early animals turned out to be just smoke and mirrors.
Fossil Friday: Chronospecies, a Sinking Ship
The concept of chronospecies in paleontology was introduced by George (1956) for the naming of successive species in a single evolving lineage.
Fossil Friday: New Evidence for the Human Nature of Neanderthals
What is at stake is not just some esoteric species problem in the ivory tower, but the very question of human nature and human uniqueness.
Fossil Friday: The Abrupt Origin of Insectivore Mammals
We can conclude that Eulipotyphla appeared abruptly in the Paleocene about 66-61.7 million years ago.