Author: Guillermo Gonzalez
Solar Eclipse Right Brain Meanderings
Monday in Waxahachie started grey and misty. The forecast for the time of totality was still uncertain.
Safe Viewing of the April 8 Solar Eclipse
Unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous people selling fake eclipse glasses. This may not seem like a big deal to some.
A Crowd-Sourced Solar Eclipse Experiment
The Sensor Logger phone app can record and store the readings from any combination of your phone’s sensors.
Profound Impact of the Summer Seminars on ID — Application Deadline March 31
The program, to be held at the spectacular Glen Eyrie Castle in Colorado, is intended primarily for undergrads and graduate students.
A Portal to the Heavens: Preparing for the Solar Eclipse
While this is not a science experiment per se, be sure to talk with people soon after totality and note commonalities in what you hear.