Author: Granville Sewell
Life and the Underlying Principle Behind the Second Law of Thermodynamics
This seem to be extremely improbable: “From a lifeless planet, there arose spaceships capable of flying to its moon and back safely.”
More on Roger Penrose and Fine-Tuning
Penrose offers as an alternative to design only that maybe some very different kind of life might be possible without the fine-tunings we see in our universe.
Despite Fine-Tuning, Roger Penrose Is “Agnostic” About Intelligent Design
The slightest changes in almost any of the basic parameters of nature would have led to a universe without stable stars or without stars at all.
How the Supernatural Entered Science
I recently came across a nice little video which seems to prove that π = 0. Each step seems reasonable.
The Other Unsolved Problem of Evolution
“With all our advanced technology, we are not close to producing human-engineered self-replicating machines.”