Author: Granville Sewell
More on Roger Penrose and Fine-Tuning
Penrose offers as an alternative to design only that maybe some very different kind of life might be possible without the fine-tunings we see in our universe.
Despite Fine-Tuning, Roger Penrose Is “Agnostic” About Intelligent Design
The slightest changes in almost any of the basic parameters of nature would have led to a universe without stable stars or without stars at all.
How the Supernatural Entered Science
I recently came across a nice little video which seems to prove that π = 0. Each step seems reasonable.
The Other Unsolved Problem of Evolution
“With all our advanced technology, we are not close to producing human-engineered self-replicating machines.”
In Summary: Presenting the Evidence for Intelligent Design
Since there were no natural causes before nature came into existence, science cannot ever hope to explain this beginning. That is, if ID is excluded.