Author: Howard Glicksman
Enzymes and Their Dynamic Role in the Cell
In this series so far, we’ve looked at what makes up the human cell and what it needs to do to stay alive.
Pumping for Life: What the Sodium-Potassium Pump Accomplishes
There is a price to be paid by the body for thus battling the forces of nature.
Diffusion and Osmosis: Twin Perils in the Life of the Cell
Earlier we looked at what the human cell consists of and what it requires to live.
Each Cell in Your Body Is a Walled City Besieged by Enemies
The residents of the city are slowly running out of food and water and are in desperate need of new supplies to stay alive.
How the Body Works: Intelligent Design in Action
Engineers and physicians have a special place in the community of thinkers and scholars who have elaborated the argument for intelligent design.