Author: Neil Thomas
Darwinism as Fact? The Waning of an Historical Myth
Historically the unfathomable subtleties of our terrestrial environment have been viewed as in and of themselves empirical markers for design.
Darwinian Natural Selection: A Covert Theology of Nature?
Those who interpreted the essence of Darwinism as being an explanation of evolution in (covertly) theistic terms appear to have had a point.
Natural Selection: The Evolution of a Mirage
Natural selection reveals itself as not just a metaphor but a mixed one: Nature being dumb but nevertheless capable of discrimination.
Darwin’s Category Errors and Their Consequences
Charles Darwin indiscriminately lumped together the organic and inorganic spheres — a grand category error.
On the Miracles of Physiological Design
The book under review is a splendid and uniquely well-informed contribution to the debate about what is by all indices a theory in possibly terminal crisis.