Author: Neil Thomas
Darwin, Lyell, and a Tale of Two Faiths
Darwin found himself in the unhappy position of having his faith undermined by what he saw as the non-directed processes of geological and biological evolution.
Darwin, Lyell, and Demythologization
The term demythologization is today most frequently associated with the mid 20th-century German theologian Rudolf Bultmann.
Darwin and the Ghost of Lamarck
The lure of Lamarck was exemplified most strikingly in the case of Viennese biologist Paul Kammerer and the unhappy affair of the “midwife toad.”
On Darwinism and the Abdication of Reason
It is a pity that Darwin’s homeland no longer boasts a satirist of the caliber of Thomas Love Peacock to exploit this rich seam of comic absurdity.
How Darwin and Wallace Split over the Human Mind
Marvelously free of racist prejudice, Wallace noted in his fieldwork in far-flung locations that primitive tribes were intellectually the equals of Europeans.