Author: Roman V. Yampolskiy
Neuroevolution Methods Show Significant Success
The Darwinian algorithm works in theory, but does not work in practice, when applied in the domain of software production.
Some Possible Reasons for the Limited Success of Evolutionary Algorithms
It is theoretically possible that out of thousands of scientists working on evolutionary computation, all failed to correctly implement the Darwinian algorithm.
The State of the Art in Evolutionary Computation
As with early AI, the claims are inflated, unsupported, and the solutions do not scale to real world problems. Perhaps an EA “winter” is long overdue.
On Evolutionary Computation
From the early 1950s, multiple well-documented attempts to make Darwin’s algorithm work on a computer have been published.
What Can and Can’t Darwin’s Algorithm Compute?
A number of seminal papers have been published attempting to formalize Darwin’s biological theory from the point of view of computational sciences.