Author: Tom Gilson
Why High School Biology Made Me Angry (And Why I Like It So Much Better Now)
Your own body has something like 30 trillion cells in it. That’s 30 trillion large cities’ worth of complexity.
On Fall Foliage, Nathan Lents Comes Up Short
There is nothing in the word “gift” that entails its having been given identically to all persons at all times. That’s not hard, actually.
The Glorious, Intentional Gift of Autumn Beauty
Is there something adaptive to the enjoyment of colors in such a wild mix; and in our enjoying it at one particular time of the year?
Darwin Devolves: Another Huge Advance Against Darwinism and for Intelligent Design
This book is built on solid science. It’s going to be harder than ever for critics to spit it out just because they don’t like its taste.
Dump the Metaphysics — How About Methodological Regularism?
Science doesn’t need methodological naturalism. It doesn’t need methodological theism, either.