Author: Walter Bradley
An Optimistic Solution to the Mystery of Life’s Origin
Consider what five prestigious origin-of-life thinkers say about the current status of origin-of-life research.
Origin of Life: Saved by Time?
Many materialists believe that the severe unlikelihood of the series of events required for the origin of life is not a serious problem.
Still Unexplained: The First Living Cell
In recent years, MIT physicist Jeremy England has gained media attention for proposing a thermodynamic energy-dissipation model of the origin of life.
Origin of the First Self-Replicating Molecules
For some theorists, the origin of life is defined as the natural origin of a self-replicating system capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution.
The “Clumping” Problem and the Origin of Life
In the 1970s, biochemist Sidney Fox and colleagues believed they had uncovered primitive cell membrane-like structures called protenoid microspheres.