Author: Wesley J. Smith
Newer Chimp Hands Are Irrelevant to Human Exceptionalism
On even the slightest pretexts, science reporting seeks to undermine the exceptional place of human beings in nature.
"Intelligent" Machine Future Would Be Devoid of Meaning
Transhumanists, you gotta love them. Or pity their withered view of the importance of humanity.
The Dilution of Human Dignity
The term “human dignity” — properly understood — embodies the objective principle of equal and intrinsic moral worth of every human being.
"Biological Colonialism" Bites Back
I coined the term to describe the practice of well-off Westerners who travel to poor countries to exploit the destitute for body parts and functions.
Putting Animals over Babies, PETA Pushes Dangerous Vegan Diet for Young Children
Humans are omnivores and our young need the nutrients readily supplied by meat and other animal-based products.