Category: Evolution
Dean Koontz on Stephen Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: “Writes Beautifully,” “Marshals Complex Information as Well as Any Writer I’ve Read”
It’s the science that really matters but it’s good to have my own evaluation confirmed that Darwin’s Doubt is also a piece of very effective science writing.
George Gilder: Darwin’s Doubt Is “Best Science Book Ever Written,” “Will Be Read for Hundreds of Years”
As we approach the publication date of Darwin’s Doubt, I note that today happens to be the 100th anniversary of the premiere of Stravinsky’s revolutionary Rite of Spring.
Karl Giberson’s Scientism Refuses to Die, but It Should
"Science is a self-correcting process," Giberson assures us. Where have we heard that before?
Praised by Harvard Geneticist George Church and Novelist Dean Koontz, Darwin’s Doubt Is Available for Pre-Order Discount Through Friday, May 31 Only!
Reactions from dust-jacket commenters reflect some very impressive agreement among some very impressive people. What are Darwinists going to say now?
Farewell to Eugenie Scott, Executive Director of National Center for Science Education
Regardless of what you think of her work, I respect the fact that she has generally striven to maintain civility in the Darwin debate.