Category: Evolution
A Graduate Student Writes
Having for years defended Darwin’s theory, Nick Matzke has determined to learn something about it as a graduate student at UC Berkeley, an undertaking in the right spirit but the wrong order.
Darwin’s Doubt Is #4 Nonfiction Bestseller at the Los Angeles Times
In contrast to the NYT‘s factual description of the book, note the interestingly tendentious summary of the contents given by the LAT.
Today on the Michael Medved Show’s Science & Culture Update, Stephen Meyer Will Discuss His New Bestseller, Darwin’s Doubt
Mr. Medved will be talking with Dr. Meyer about the most rigorous, definitive scientific evidence yet for intelligent design.
The Nonlawyers at the National Center for Science Education Know Nothing about Academic Freedom
Journalists, please rethink whether it is a good idea to go to the NCSE instead of Discovery Institute for comments on academic freedom.
Is Intelligent Design Too "Transgressive" to Tolerate? More on the Investigation of Ball State University Physicist Eric Hedin
In deciding the fate of a vulnerable, untenured scientist, Professor Juli Eflin may be the wild card.