Category: Human Origins
Reader Asks: What Is Denisovan DNA?
The “Denisovans” are kind of a fictional group from which we only have a few fragmented bone specimens.
Natural Selection: The God that Failed
The god-of-the-gaps objection does have some merit to it, but it does not rule out ID. The progress of science has dethroned a multitude of false gods.
Researchers Are Stalled in Understanding the Origin of Human Language
What’s revealing in these types of studies is not what the researchers find but what the science media choose to make of them
More Discoveries Point to Neanderthal Intelligence
This very ancient people we know the most about can’t be the missing link that many paleontologists are looking for.
Do We Need Language to Think?
For a long time, it was only a philosophical issue: Plato saw thinking as a conversation with oneself.