Category: Human Origins
Neanderthal Man: The Long-Lost Relative Turns Up Again, This Time with Documents
Obviously, each new find will change the picture of Neanderthal communities a bit, but there is no consistent evidence for them as an “other species.”
On Human Origins, a Cautionary Tale with "Surprising" Biological Results
Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, DNA sequencing was sweeping the scientific scene with its power to answer a number of unsolved problems.
Lennox, Axe at the Faith and Science Conference at Evangel University
The topics will range from human origins to genetic determinism and moral responsibility to the question of how science is possible in the first place.
The Little Lady of Flores Spoke from the Grave. But Said What, Exactly?
If new, separate human species are not found, perhaps they can be argued into existence.
Calling Karl Giberson: Human “Tail” in the News
The story is that a boy in India was born with a 7-inch tail and today is worshipped as the incarnation of a monkey god.