Category: Human Origins
Those Puzzling Puritans and the Image of God
Surprisingly, it was Puritans who passed the first law ever, anywhere in the world, against domestic violence.
New Article in Science Boosts Plausibility of a Primordial Pair
These new developments underscore the fact that there is no room for dogmatism about claims concerning the smallest population size of humans.
Darwin and the Smithsonian’s Racist Brain Collection
The motivation for the brain collection was to document how some people were supposedly lower on the evolutionary ladder than others.
Maura: The Woman Whose Brain Was Stolen and Stored by the Smithsonian
Maura was brought from the Philippines to the U.S. in 1904 to take part in one of the public displays of indigenous people at the St. Louis World’s Fair.
Smithsonian’s Racist Brain Collection Exposed by Washington Post
These human specimens were collected in large part to dramatize how non-white peoples were supposedly lower on the evolutionary ladder than whites.