Category: Intelligent Design
Dragonfly Designs Inspire Engineering
Dragonflies catch their prey in midair with up to 97% accuracy. The equipment these living Patriot missiles have to achieve this phenomenal success rate shouts “design!” not Darwin.
“Intelligent Design: The Most Credible Idea?” Stephen Meyer in Cambridge
Previously, I highlighted the ID conference that took place in Cambridge, England, this summer.
Science Can Perpetuate Myths
For those who believe science is a self-correcting process leading inexorably to progress in true knowledge about the world, a professor of medical statistics has a heavy dose of realism.
Our Top 10 Evolution-Related Stories: #2, Thomas Nagel’s Mind & Cosmos
The defection from Darwinism of atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel, joined with his respectful evaluation of arguments for intelligent design, was huge news this year.
Our Top 10 Evolution-Related Stories: #6, Peer-Reviewed Science Supports Intelligent Design
While intelligent design research is a new scientific field, recent years have been a period of encouraging growth, producing a strong record of peer-reviewed scientific publications.