Category: Intelligent Design
In the David Coppedge Trial, Intelligent Design Is Where the Threads All Intersect
Never did NASA’s JPL forbid expressions of contempt for ID. JPL only forbade expressions of support for ID.
British Geneticist Robert Saunders Weighs in on Signature in the Cell
If the religious beliefs of ID proponents disqualify them from rational dialogue in the scientific arena, surely Saunders’s atheism and anti-religious biases disqualify him.
Stephen Meyer’s Centre for Intelligent Design Lecture on Signature in the Cell Now Viewable Online
This is worth a watch.
What Exactly Is Being Decided in the David Coppedge “Intelligent Design” Trial
Opening statements wrapped up today and one thing is beyond doubt: this trial will be misrepresented in the media.
What David Coppedge Has Already Accomplished by Going to Trial, Even Before Opening Statements
There has been tremendous international media attention to this story, reasonably fair and factual.