Category: Neuroscience & Mind
Stifle Your Nausea: Ready for a Dish-Grown Brain?
“We have already genetically engineered babies, the march toward three- (or more) parent human embryos, and radical proposals for creating novel family forms.”
If Materialists Are Right About the Brain, Why No “Morality Seizures”?
“There are no intellectual seizures, which is odd, given that large regions of the brain are presumed by neuroscientists to serve intellectual thought.”
Fine-Tuning, Free Will — Now We’ve Got Two Challenges for Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder
She acknowledges that she is speaking from outside one relevant field. Can you really use physics to deny free will while ignoring neuroscience?
The Evolutionary Psychologist Will See You Now
It needs no wisdom to stamp “ANIMAL” on the sufferer’s forehead, any more than it does to stamp “DISEASED.”
Sleep on It: Design in the Subconscious Brain
An international team reasoned there had to be a purpose for sleep. In one of the largest datasets ever collected, they believe they found two functions.