Category: Science
Spiders Have Eight (Well-Designed) Eyes
Spiders are good for scaring people at Halloween, but they’re really intelligently designed animals more scared of us than we are of them, with eight eyes to alert them of our approach.
Science Left Behind Can Teach Us about Political Tactics of Intelligent Design Critics
“The right is not more anti-science than the left; it just has terrible public relations.”
The Republican Brain vs. Science Left Behind
One day recently, I came into my office to find that two newly published books I had ordered arrived on the same day.
Jacques Barzun, RIP
Reading his Darwin, Marx, Wagner: Critique of a Heritage was transformative for me.
Biology Direct Paper: We Must Abandon Darwinism, but Also Explanation
Arlin Stoltzfus opens his paper by marveling at the “baroque and apparently gratuitous complexity” we see in biology.