Category: Paleontology
Bechly: Problems with Universal Common Ancestry Posed by the Fossil Record
Paleontologist Günter Bechly was a proponent of Darwinism until he discovered significant scientific reasons to doubt the evolutionary story.
Darwin Wept: Cambrian Brains and Other Challenges for Evolution
Whenever you find papers and articles dealing with the Cambrian fossil record in the usual science journals, there are commonalities.
Ann Gauger Puts Ape-to-Man Evolution Under the Microscope
Among the tenets of theistic evolution is the idea that humans evolved from a large population of ape-like creatures.
Cambrian Explosion: More Woes and Dodges
Evolutionists are still failing to explain the Cambrian explosion. They struggle to explain new complexities or else try to change the subject.
Lukas Ruegger: Three Problems with Punctuated Equilibrium
By the time of his death, Stephen Jay Gould had come full circle, in effect, returning to traditional Darwinism.