Category: Physics, Earth & Space
In Unbelievable, Science Historian Michael Keas Debunks the Atheist “Big Myth”
Hawking, Nye and other atheists argue that because the universe is so large, a God interested in a relationship with us seems impossible.
Mike Keas on the Dennis Prager Show, 11 AM Pacific Time
Isn’t it interesting that some laymen are able to interact with the relevant scientific ideas here — Prager does — while others plug their ears and refuse to think about it.
Of Lunar Eclipses and the Dark Ages Myth
Last night Americans across the continent were treated to a most beautiful and informative natural phenomenon.
Listen: No, Bill Nye, a Big Cosmos Isn’t a Problem for Religion
Bill Nye recently dusted off this old saw, but the Old Testament itself, in the Psalms, depicts man and the Earth as tiny in compared to a vast universe.
Proper Credit — Who Discovered Hubble’s Law?
Many leading scientists of the day realized the implication of the cosmic expansion — there was a beginning!