Category: Physics, Earth & Space
Tornadoes, Ice, and Cells: The Challenge from Thermodynamics to Origin-of-Life Scenarios
This is a subject on which materialists are largely silent, and with good reason.
Stephen Hawking: Off the Planet, to the Moon, in 200-500 Years
I am struck by the similarities between Hawking’s call for space exploration and the wailing and gnashing of teeth about the Paris climate accords.
Thermodynamics of the Origin of Life
Popular articles on origin-of-life research often portray the field as constantly advancing and quickly converging on a purely materialistic explanation for the first cell.
What Becomes of Science When the Evidence Does Not Matter?
Fine-tuning of the universe is so unpleasant a subject for materialists that it cannot really become a controversy.
Sean McDowell’s “Five Game-Changing Books” Include This ID Classic
McDowell is a Christian apologist, but his latest suggestions for summer reading aren’t all, or even mostly, apologetics.