Behe on Carroll and the
Back and Forth in Science
Michael Behe has just published another response to attacks on his book, The Edge of Evolution, this one addressing an exchange that he and Sean Carroll had in letters published in Science. Carroll had published a review in Science which Behe responded to here, as readers will recall. Science also published part of a letter Behe wrote, which Carroll then responded to. The back-and-forth between these two is well worth reading. For more on Behe’s responses to his critics, visit his Amazon blog.
Leading Scientist Stirs Controversy by Invoking Darwin’s Theory to Argue for Inferiority of Blacks
Eminent evolutionist James Watson, winner of the Nobel Prize for co-discovering the structure of DNA, is sparking controversy in Great Britain for suggesting that blacks are inferior to whites due to evolution. But there is nothing particularly extraordinary about Watson’s views. As I document in chapter 7 of my forthcoming book Darwin Day in America, there is a long history of evolutionists using Darwinism to justify racism — including Darwin himself. Watson is past director and current Chancellor of the prestigious biological research lab at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. Ironically, that lab has deep connections to Darwinian racism of years gone by. Early in the twentieth century it was the headquarters for one of the most virulent American eugenics Read More ›
The Latest Proof of Evolution: The Appendix has No Important Function
For decades, Darwinists have been telling us that an alleged lack of function for the human appendix demonstrates that our species once walked on 4 legs and ate a vegetarian diet. As a result, many believe the Darwinian urban legend that the appendix is a “vestigial organ” that has no function, and that this demonstrates that humans evolved from quadrupedal mammals. But now CNN is reporting that the “Purpose of appendix believed found” in a story that reads: The appendix “acts as a good safe house for bacteria,” said Duke surgery professor Bill Parker, a study co-author. Its location _ just below the normal one-way flow of food and germs in the large intestine in a sort of gut cul-de-sac Read More ›
Dogbert on Evolution
Science, E. coli, and the Edge of Evolution: Behe Responds
UPDATED: Today’s response is the fourth and final in this series of responses to critics. This reponse addresses Dutch biologist Gert Korthof and is available here. Michael Behe’s book, The Edge of Evolution, has hit a nerve with Darwinists by using mainstream scientific research to highlight the distinct limits of Darwinian evolution. Earlier this week he began another series of responses to critics attempting to refute the book’s conclusions. As I wrote in The Edge of Evolution, Darwinism is a multifaceted theory, and to properly evaluate the theory one has to be very careful not to confuse its different aspects. Unfortunately, stories in the news and on the internet regularly confuse the facets of Darwinism, ignore distinctions made in The Read More ›