Tag: adaptation
Join Us: Conference on Engineering in Living Systems, April 23-25, in Southern California
The most spectacular example of an engineered living system is the human body, toward the invention of which the whole cosmos appears to have been very carefully aimed.
Remind Me Again Why We Picked Polar Bears?
The core difficulty for some scientists who read Michael Behe’s book is also the key idea at its heart.
How Did Religion “Evolve”?
It’s telling that one kind of evolution always seems to be missing from these “theories” about the evolutionary origins of religion.
Why an Evolutionist Disses Evolutionary Psychology
Darwinian fairy tales about prehistoric Neanderthal proclivities and modern psychology are obvious junk science.
Aristotle and Universal Darwinism
The greatest engine of atheism in modern times — Darwin’s theory — is nothing more than a bastardization of the strongest philosophical argument for God’s existence.