Tag: Adrian Desmond
Yet Another Scholar Seeks to Airbrush Darwin’s Racist Legacy
Racists for decades, down to today, have looked to Charles Darwin as a champion of their ideas, and if they’re right about anything, it’s that.
Robert Shedinger: Darwin’s Sacred Cause Is “Historical Fiction”
The effect of the book is to misrepresent Darwin in such a way as to make those who reject Darwinism appear to be opposing a saintly anti-abolitionist.
A Failed Attempt to Turn Darwin into Wilberforce
Nice try, Desmond and Moore. But criticizing Darwinian evolution does not make one a racist. The real Darwin is a far more ambiguous and conflicted figure.
Darwin and the “Eyre Affair”: A Speculative Tale
October 7, 1865, saw a revolt break out in Jamaica in which 18 officials and militia men were killed by members of the freed black population.
Darwin and Agassiz: An Imaginary Picture
Given the close relationship Louis Agassiz shared with pro-slavery factions in the South, Desmond and Moore focus much on Darwin’s relationship with Agassiz.