Tag: aesthetics
The Human Mind Is Wired for Music: How Did That Come About?
Most of us can correctly remember melodies and lyrics learned in childhood, even years after last having heard them.
The Supposed Bad Design of the Human Pharynx
The pharynx affords us the abilities to breathe and swallow, but it does much more. It affords the ability for speech, language, and singing.
Religious Intuition Can Lead to Scientific Discovery: The Cases of Copernicus and Ferguson
ID is not religion. But even if we were to concede falsely that it is, such a characterization is irrelevant to the question of whether it is true.
Geologist Casey Luskin: Our Intelligently Designed Planet
Dr. Luskin offers an additional design argument, this one aesthetic in nature, and takes questions from the audience.
Michael Behe: It’s Not a Scientist’s Job to Be Led by Aesthetics
While the sun, moon, and stars move according to natural laws, it doesn’t follow that the complex forms we find in biology arose purely through natural laws.